Second home
in the Slovak Paradise
PRO Apartment apartments will be located on the outskirts of Hrabušice in the Slovak Paradise with direct access to the national park. The village of Hrabušice is known as an ideal place to start hiking tours in the gorges of the national park, such as Suchá Belá, Piecky, Kláštorská roklina or Prielom Hornádu. In addition, for visitors of all ages, there are opportunities in the vicinity to spend an active holiday such as. visit to Ferrata HZS Kyseľ, rafting Hornád, horseback riding, sightseeing flights, etc.
In the vicinity within 30 minutes by car is the Dobšinská Ice Cave, Dedinky Dam, historic towns and cities of Levoča, Spišská Sobota, Spišská Nová Ves as well as the famous Spiš Castle. Winter crossings of the lonely gorges of the Slovak Paradise are a suitable alternative to mass visits to the winter resorts of the High and Low Tatras. For the more able and under suitable conditions, there is the possibility of ice climbing in some localities of the national park. With a profitable investment in the Slovak Paradise, you will find a second home, evaluate your finances and pump up new energy for further work.
Slovak Paradise
PRO Apartment Contact
Is something unclear to you?Call us or write.
We will be happy to answer you. Proapartment s.r.o.,
Karpatská 29
Spišská nová Ves
052 01
GPS: 48.9281891, 20.548425
phone: +421 (0)905 381 302
e-mail: info(a)proapartment.sk